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Throughout the course of the  Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program, I have been introduced to a variety of courses that have quenched my curiosity and contributed to my growth and development in the areas of technology, teaching and learning. Below are descriptions of the courses I completed:

Teaching Understanding with Technology

CEP 810

Summer 2015

Instructor(s): Ron Houtman and Emily Stone

This was my first course in the MAET program. This course introduced me to the various theories  of how people learn and to the Techngological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. I also was challenged to expand and explore my personal learning network (PLN) as I develop a new skill using only Youtube and Help Forums. While this course presented some frustrations, I learned to reflect and embrace mistakes in the learning process.

Adaptive Innovative Technologies to Education

CEP 811

Summer 2015

Instructor(s): Amy Pietrowski

Prior to this course, I had little understanding of the maker movement. In CEP 811, I had a chance to explore the notions of remixing and repurposing objects and digital technologies in new, innovative ways. Making allows students to focus on creativity and problem solving in authentic environments. Applying maker education ideas, I also had the opportunity to design a lesson using Scratch and MakeyMakey to help students learn about their digital footprint as they use the  internet.  

Apply Educational Technology to Practice

CEP 812

Fall 2016

Instructor(s): Andrew Steinman and William Marsland

In this course, I explored the nature of well-structured, ill-structured/complex and wicked problems. While simple and complex problems can be solved with little thought, wicked problems are intricate and leave us frustrated most often. One of the biggest projects of this course is to collaborate with a "Think Tank" of classmates to address the wicked problem in education of failure as a learning mode. We concluded that through integrating growth mindset and grit into teaching,project-based learning , and the use  of adaptive learning technologies, students' engagement and motivation level is enhanced and their fear of failure is diminshed. 

Electronic Assessment

CEP 813

Fall 2016

Instructor(s): Dr. Collin Gallagher and Spencer Greenhalg

This course dealt specifically with the use of electronic assessment and feedback as a means to inform learning. Through analyzing different forms of formative and summative assessments, I learned how to view assessment as assessment FOR, OR, or AS learning (Noyce, 2011). I also applied the notion of "backward design" by creating a performance assessment through gamification using Minecraft. One of the best rewards of taking this class was my Rubric for Effective Assessment Design, which a document that I can use to inform the effectiveness and accuracy of any assessments I create in the future.

      Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings

CEP 800 

Spring 2017

Instructor(s): Andrew Saltarelli

This course had expanded my understanding of the basic tenets of educational psychology, the tensions between different theories of how people learn, and how to apply these approaches to design technology-based learning experiences. In this course, I reviewed current research and best practices associated with learning and used them to justify the instructional design choices that I make. After reading excerpts from Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business​, I examined how learning is also about acquiring and transforming habits and created a learning plan to break a bad habit. 

Technology and Leadership

CEP 815

Spring 2017

Instructor(s): Dr. Aman Yadav and Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh

In this course, I learned the constraints of technology and the roadblocks encountered in leading change.  The course taught me the various leadership style and I was able to envision the leader I wanted to be. During this course, I crafted a vision statement to develop motivated and hard-working students who are driven to learn and succeed. The other final project allowed me to construct a professional development workshop to support teachers which I'd like to see realized in my school. 

    Technology, Teaching and Learning Across Curriculum

CEP 816 

Fall 2017

Instructor(s): William Marsland

This course examined popular New Media Text and Tools (NMTTs)  that are available to students and teachers in this digital age and the ways these tools can be used in the classroom.  Technology like Twitter, wikis, social bookmarking, podcasts, social networking, and blogging were discussed. In this course, the focus was on viewing technology as a powerful yet ever-changing ally for teachers as we work to introduce innovative learning experiences.   The culminating project known as The Dream Project was to redesign a unit using NMTT that would help reduce cognitive load. I created a course webpage featuring new media text-tools activities for the Grade 3 unit of study "Weather Versus Climate".

Teaching Students Online

CEP 820

Spring 2018

Instructor(s): Dr. Anne Heintz and Cui Cheng

The main goal of this course was to introduce us to best approaches to designing and teaching an online course. I experimented with a variety of Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Schoology, Edmodo and Google Classroom. In this course, I also learned about Universal Design for learning guidelines and applied what we I learned in the course by designing and building an online course. This course utilized affordances of the web as well as suitable methods and forms of assessment. 

        Approaches to Educational Research

CEP 822

Summer 2018

Instructor(s): Swati Mehta

This course expanded my understanding of educational research by learning more about how to find quality educational research, identify possible ethical issues and evaluate research based on the appropriateness and adequacy of the study's design. sampling methods, materials and methods, and reliability of the measures used.  The final project of this course was to conduct a research review for a question of interest. The topic I explored was the effects and usefulness of blogging in fostering ESL students’ language learning.

    Proseminar in Educational Technology

CEP 807

Fall 2018

Instructor(s): Dr. Matthew J. Koehlet, Aric Gaunt, Sarah F. Keenan, and Sukanya Moudgalya

This capstone course was the culminating experience of my MAET program.  It provided an opportunity for me to document my learning and growth through the creation of a comprehensive digital portfolio.  I showcased my best work, reflected on past and future goals, and highlighted my professional experience and teaching practice.  Constructive peer feedback allowed me to modify and improve the design and content of the portfolio as I worked to create a professional online portfolio. Furthermore, the capstone course has allowed me to set a trajectory for my next steps in professional and personal growth.  

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